Program Achievements


The Strategy of the Ministry of Finance of Moldova to implement program based budgeting (PBB) nationwide is supported through activities jointly designed with the beneficiary finance ministry. After assessing capacities for PBB and analyzing the legal and methodological framework for PBB in 2011, the comprehensive capacity development plan was agreed upon with MF Moldova. Training materials on PBB for central and local public authorities were prepared. These were used to train 39 trainers from MF Moldova and CPAs in November 2012. Around 95 policy makers, high state officials and presidents of districts learned about the PBB concept and its introduction in Slovakia at the workshop organized in November 2012 with the objective to increase their engagement and political support for budget reform in Moldova.

Roll-out of PBB trainings in April 2013 on the central government level, with Moldovan trainers, was facilitated through coaching provided by Slovak consultants. Application of theoretical concepts learned during trainings was supported through on-the-job training to review and improve the quality of program budgets prepared by 5 CPAs. That activity was organized in June 2013, engaging both budget and policy specialists. In August 2013, consultants worked closely with MF Moldova budget specialists on reviewing CPAs program budget submissions, preparation for budget consultations and improving budget documentation. A study visit was organized in 2013 to learn about PBB implementation and existing challenges in Slovakia. In March 2014 capacities of local public authorities were strengthened via training of 70 trainers, followed by on-the-job training in 3 LPAs in June 2014. Monitoring and evaluation methodology was finalised for MF Moldova in August 2014.

The National Decentralisation Strategy was adopted by the Parliament and the corresponding changes to the Local Public Finance Law came totally into force on 1 January 2015 providing legislative framework for a decentralised fiscal relations and financial autonomy of local public authorities. Strong Moldovan ownership and commitment to the budget reform is a key factor driving successful cooperation with the SlovakAid project.

Program budgeting is planned to be implemented on the level of municipalities in 2015 and is expected to become one of the instruments for more transparent and efficient resource allocation. The Activity Program of the Government of the Republic of Moldova for 2015-2018 accepted by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in 18 February 2015 continues to include within the set of priorities in the area of public finance the full implementation and improvement of performance-based program budgeting. Strong Moldovan ownership and commitment to the budget reform is a key factor driving successful cooperation with the SlovakAid project.



The Financial Policy Institute (FPI) of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic serves as a model for institutional and capacity building in the Sector for Economic Policy and Development (SEPD) at the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro (MF MN). The SEPD organizational structure has been changed to mirror the structure of FPI. Models for macro-economic and fiscal forecasting were prepared for SEPD. The quality of reports produced by the Sector’s specialists has improved. Next phase of cooperation will aim to further strengthen analytical and forecasting capacities of SEPD staff and to put into operation effective system of macro-economic and fiscal forecasting.

Cooperation with the Treasury Sector of MF MN in the first phase resulted in preparation of a road map for adoption of the ESA 95 methodology and designing the medium-term strategy for transition to accrual accounting. In the next phase the project aims to provide support to MF Montenegro with gradual transition to accrual accounting and reporting in accordance with IPSAS and ESA standards.

In the area of debt management, a clear action plan for capacity building in the medium-term was prepared and agreed with the MF Montenegro. Study visits to Slovakia were organized in the area of cash and debt management and macro-economic and fiscal forecasting to share the experience with the public finance professionals at FPI and the Debt and Liquidity Management Agency.

The MF Montenegro has committed to continue with accounting reforms with support of the SlovakAid project. The project design and implementation will be linked to the relevant national strategies and priorities of the Government of Montenegro.


Regional activities:

Sharing knowledge and experience with Slovakia was supported by presenting lessons that can be derived from implemented reforms. Reports on lessons learned in Slovakia were prepared and disseminated in the region on the following topics:

i) Financial Policy Institute at the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic;

ii) reform of the public sector accounting and reporting system;

iii) adoption of ESA95 methodology in Slovakia;

iv) budget reforms in Slovakia;

v) implementation of programme budgeting in local government of Slovakia;

vi) fiscal decentralisation in Slovakia.