In 2015, based on a preliminary assessment of needs in public financial management in Ukraine, this country became the third beneficiary/partner country of PFD Programme component of the “partnership project”.
Following project activities were implemented in 2015:
The draft needs assessment report for PFM reform in Ukraine and the action plan for PFM reform implementation were developed. The assessment focused on starting phases of the budget cycle – policy review, macroeconomic forecasting, strategic planning, linkage between strategic planning and budgeting, where most weaknesses were observed. The action plan includes proposed short and medium term actions in each phase to address identified weaknesses. Capacity building and IT support are also included.
From the discussions with the various counterparts, study of the PFMR Strategy and taking into account available resources, it is recommended that PFD cooperation with Ukraine for 2017 will be focusing on a limited number of key PFMR areas, where a high impact can be achieved. This assistance is a logical follow-up of the 2016 PFD TA. The assistance will be in areas where other donors have limited inputs (with the exception of US Treasury, with which strong coordination is foreseen). The general objective of these activities is to assist with implementation of the 2017-2021 PFMR Strategy and Action Plan.
The following modules are proposed: 1. Medium-term Budget Process (MTBP); 2. Capacity development for implementation of the PFMR program; 3. Other technical assistance;