North Macedonia


Digitalisation Of Municipal Services

Status: completed

Implemented 2023 – 2024

North Macedonia

Official project title: Digitalisation of municipal services

Objective of the project was to boost the digital transformation of municipalities in North Macedonia by providing continuous support in strengthening their capacities to deliver e-services for citizens. The project introduced new digital services for citizens. Thanks to them, citizens can more easily communicate with the local government when dealing with applications and certificates related to school attendance.  

It supported partnership of two or more municipalities through the use of the inter-municipal cooperation mechanism, which enables combination and sharing of financial and human resources, thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency in municipal management. 

Model Of E-municipality

Status: completed

Implemented 2021 – 2023

North Macedonia

Official project title: Macedonian Model of E-municipality

The project supported the digitization of self-government performance and the establishment or improvement of electronic services. Two basic documents were drawn up and approved: e-Readiness Assessment and Methodology for Digital Transformation of Municipalities, including the Macedonian National Model of Electronic Self-Government that was piloted.   

This process ended with the procurement and installation of the hardware components (Data Storage System and Computer Server) and software for delivery of e-services (upgrade with three new modules of the previously developed platform for e-services – LoGeS that integrates a total of 25 e-services for 18 municipalities in three planning regions including the project partner municipality of Veles.  

The project met its expectations as municipalities combine their capacities and make better use of LoGeS system. The system has thus taken over an important part of the communication between citizens and local government and has created a basic platform for the digitization of public administration. As a result, new digital services are being created. 

The manuals and financial calculations that were prepared are used as the foundation for changes in national and local legislation and for financial planning of the public introduction of e-services throughout the country. 

Organic Waste In Green Economy

Status: completed

Implemented 2020 – 2022

North Macedonia

Official project title: Waste Into Food (Organic waste in green economy)

The project supported the efforts of municipalities from the Gradsko microregion (North Macedonia) to achieve sustainable and ecological local development, specifically in greening waste management. Project fully mapped and partially implemented separate collection of bio-waste. The feasibility study of organic waste reduction in landfills, including calculation of economic effects of the circular economy was developed. Project also supported practical collection of bio-waste by the introduction of container collection itself in some places of the city. These studies were developed for a specific region, but their applicability is transferable, and other municipalities are already interested in engaging. The project showed how waste can be reduced by turning it into a secondary raw material. The project also created conditions for the involvement of the private sector in waste processing 

The project significantly contributed to better bio waste management in the city of Gradsko and its surroundings. On the one hand, optimizing the collection of bio-waste reduced fuel consumption and CO2 production during its transportation, and at the same time reduced the amount of waste that ends up in the landfill without further use. At the same time, the separated biowaste began to be used as fuel for the production of biogas. A large part of the bio-waste used for energy production is transformed into natural fertilizer after processing, which increases the fertility of agricultural land. 

Irrigation Improvement In Bregalnica River Basin

Status: completed

Implemented 2018 – 2022

North Macedonia

Official project title: Climate resilient irrigation infrastructure in Bregalnica River Basin – Feasibility Study for improvement of irrigation scheme in Bregalnica River Basin

The project supported the efforts of municipalities from the Gradsko microregion (North Macedonia) to achieve sustainable and ecological local development, specifically in greening waste management. Project fully mapped and partially implemented separate collection of bio-waste. The feasibility study of organic waste reduction in landfills, including calculation of economic effects of the circular economy was developed. Project also supported practical collection of bio-waste by the introduction of container collection itself in some places of the city. These studies were developed for a specific region, but their applicability is transferable, and other municipalities are already interested in engaging. The project showed how waste can be reduced by turning it into a secondary raw material. The project also created conditions for the involvement of the private sector in waste processing 

The project significantly contributed to better bio waste management in the city of Gradsko. On the one hand, optimizing the collection of bio-waste reduced fuel consumption and CO2 production during its transportation, and at the same time reduced the amount of waste that ends up in the landfill without further use. At the same time, the separated biowaste began to be used as fuel for the production of biogas. A large part of the bio-waste used for energy production is transformed into natural fertilizer after processing, which increases the fertility of agricultural land.