New & Emerging Donors met in Bratislava

On March 27, 2019 The Slovak Ministry of Finance organized the New and Emerging Donors Meeting to both recognise emerging donors’ good governance efforts,

and showcase the PFM development cooperation results. This meeting allowed for mutual knowledge sharing and review of good practices – specifically, peer-to-peer learning between learn4dev members. The event was attended by small emerging and new donors such as Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia along with traditional ones CEF, Decentralization and Governance Network and UNDP.

Participants´ inputs allowed for understanding of what the emerging/new and small EU donors focus in development cooperation to support good governance and PFM and for learning what organizational and implementation approaches are applied by donors to lead to impactful and inspirational projects. 

The Slovak Ministry of Finance jointly with the UNDP contributed to the event with its lessons learned from 10 years of implementing technical assistance in public finance as well as specific examples of solutions to address complex governance problems through innovative finance mechanisms and using of open data.

The visual story can be found here: