Programme support for Bosnia and Herzegovina
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, we focus on supporting public finance management, including financing for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also promote projects that engage private sector in development cooperation, particularly in energy conservation and the promotion of solar energy usage. Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a programme partner country since 2020.
Current activities aim at strengthening the capacity of local governments in BiH to manage public finances efficiently and transparently. They are fully aligned with the European Commission 2023 Enlargement Package recommendations and are divided into three intervention areas:
- Asset management: We help local governments establish a system for the strategic management of public assets held by municipal authorities. This includes creating clear lines of responsibility within each institution, establishing and regularly updating a transparent register of assets, and developing a digital solution and asset management plans.
- Revenue, expenditures, and internal controls: We support partner local governments to review their revenues and expenditures practices to identify areas for revenues increase. We are also working on the establishment of an effective framework for internal control within the administrations in order to limit the mismanagement of public funding.
- Green and gender responsive public procurement: We introduce and promote green and gender responsive procurement practices at the local level, in line with the 2024-2028 Public Procurement Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These activities support implementation of the new Law on Public Procurement planned to be adopted by the end of 2025.
Key achievements
In the area of private sector engagement, several projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been supported through the Resource Mobilization Facility (RMF). This fund was created to assist with pre-investment studies, including feasibility studies, sector analyses, financing models, and other preparatory work for future investment projects under the UNDP national offices. They focused mainly on the use of solar energy potential. Details of the projects are provided below.