Initial PFD programme documents:
- Program document: Public Finance for Development (2009-2012);
- The Amendment to the Programme Document (2012-2014); Project document (2014-2016);
- New Program document: Public and Private Finance for Development (2017-2019);
Projects in Moldova (implementation plans):
- Memorandum of cooperation between MoF of SR and MoF of Moldova;
- Capacity building for program based budgeting in Moldova;
- Implementation plan for 2010-2012;
- Implementation plan for Moldova 2012-2014;
- Implementation plan for Moldova (phase 3) 2015;
- ZMOS and CALM cooperation in Moldova 2015-2016;
Projects in Montenegro (implementation plans):
- IP Macroeconomic and fiscal analysis and forecasting 2010-2012;
- IP Macroeconomic and fiscal analysis and forecasting 2012-2013;
- Adoption of the European System of Accounts Methodology 2010-2011;
- IP Adoption of the ESA methodology in Montenegro 2010-2012;
- Strengthening capacities for public debt management in Montenegro;
- IP Strengthening capacities for public debt management in Montenegro 2010-2011;
- Improving public sector accounting and reporting systems in Montenegro;
- IP developing a medium strategy for transition to accrual accounting in Montenegro 2010-2012;
- CEF & CIPFA Public Accountants Certification Training in Montenegro 2014-2016;
- Implementation Plan for Montenegro (phase 2) May 2015;
Monitoring and Evaluation reports:
- Executive summary of the mid-term review report (March 2012);
- Performance Monitoring framework for the period of June 2009-June 2012;
- Performance Monitoring framework for the period of June 2009-June 2014;
- PFD Evaluation Report (Evaluation report 2014);
- PFD Final report (Final report for the period 2009-2014);
- ZMOS-CALM / NGO partnership (Preparatory phase) (Progress Report 2015);
- UNDP-CEF / NGO partnership: PACT MNE 1 (Preparatory phase) (Final Report 2015);
- Public Finance for Development programme (Annual report 2015);
- UNDP-CEF / NGO partnership: PACT MNE1 (Delivery phase) (Final Report 2016);
Presentations of PFD programme:
- Flyer about PFD in English (2014);;
- PPT (Kristína Mikulová, April 2015);
- PPT (Božena Baluchová, April 2015); for Development (PFD)
- PPT (Alena Šránková, December 2015); for Development (PFD)
- Transitional experience: Delivering Development Aid the Slovak Way (Results publication, 2015);
- PFD Programme – Slovakia’s positive footprint in transition countries (Booklet contribution, 2016);
Links of Ministries of Finance:
- Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic
- SlovakAid
- Ministry of Finance of Montenegro
- Ministry of Finance of Republic of Moldova
Links of Regional Organisations:
- The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPASEE)
- Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA)
- Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI)
Links of Public Finance Institutes:
- Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA)
- Association of Towns and Communities of Slovakia (ZMOS)
- The Congress of Local Public Authorities of Moldova (CALM)
- Association of Municipal Finance Officers of The Slovak Republic (AKE)
- Support for Improvement in Governance and Management (SIGMA)
- UNDP for Europe and CIS
- Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning Network (PEMPAL)
Links of International Organisations:
- Open Budget Initiative
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – Public Finance
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – Budgeting and Public Expenditures
- International Monetary Fund – Public Financial Management Blog
- International Monetary Fund – iMF Direct Blog
- International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management (ICGFM)
- United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN)
- Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF)