Public and Private Finance for Development

The Public and Private Finance for Development Project (PPFD) responds to the global need to mobilize resources for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to support the development of transparent systems, approaches and capacities for planning, mobilizing and implementing public and private investments in partner countries.  

The project builds on a nearly 20-year partnership between the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic and UNDP, which has significantly evolved in scope and territories. The programme is part of Slovak official development assistance. Since 2009, it has been part of a broader partnership between UNDP and the Slovak Republic. In 2017, it evolved into the Public and Private Finance for Development Programme that is supported only by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. 

Main goals

  • PPFD focuses on assisting partners in establishing effective and transparent public finance management systems that are fully in line with national development programs, SDGs and EU requirements. 


  • The project also actively promotes private sector involvement in development cooperation by leveraging private financial resources, expertise, knowledge, and technologies to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It aligns with the priorities of Slovak development cooperation, focusing on areas such as green and clean energy, energy efficiency, digitalization (including sustainable and smart cities), water management, innovation, and infrastructure development. 

Partner countries

PPFD currently focuses on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Uzbekistan

Areas of project assistance and cooperation are determined according to the clearly defined needs of partners, such as national institutions including ministries of finance, relevant line ministries, tax and customs administrations, regional authorities, local governments, and other relevant entities. This approach leads to tailored projects that align with the national priorities of partner institutions and leverage Slovak expertise across all project areas, such as public finance, energy, digitalization, and more. 

Partnership milestones 

2017 – now

Since 2017, the programme has been implemented as the Public and Private Finance for Development under the partnership between the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic and UNDP. 

2009 – 2016

During this period, the Public Finance for Development Programme of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic was part of a broader partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Slovak Republic, with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic also participating as a key partner. In 2016, due to significant differences in the focus of interventions supported by each ministry, the decision was made to split the cooperation with UNDP into two separate projects.