Články o ďalších projektoch Programu VFR v iných regiónoch:
Inovácie ako nástroj efektívnejšej rozvojovej spolupráce
Inovatívne metódy financovania rozvojovej pomoci – to bola téma medzinárodného workshopu, ktorý zorganizoval 28.-29. mája 2018 Rozvojový program OSN (UNDP) v spolupráci s Ministerstvom financií SR. Cieľom podujatia bolo osvojiť si inovácie v oblasti verejných financií. Nové spôsoby spolupráce so súkromným a mimovládnym sektorom, ako aj občanmi, plus využívanie technologických noviniek môžu viesť k efektívnejšej rozvojovej spolupráci. Viac info (v slovenčine)
learn4dev Core Group to Meet at the Ministry of Finance, Slovakia (2017):
Core group of the learn4dev network will meet at the premises of Ministry of Finance, Slovakia in Bratislava on February 1-2. Meeting will focus on planning and preparations of the 2017 annual meeting that will be organized by Belgium Technical Cooperation together with the World Bank. Viac info (v angličtine)
Pracovný plán reformy riadenia verejných financií na Ukrajine (Tlačová správa) (2016):
V októbri sa zástupcovia programu Verejné financie pre rozvoj (VFR / PFD) vybrali do Kyjeva, aby diskutovali o procese reformy riadenia verejných financií (PFMR) na Ukrajine. Ciele misie boli jednoduché: Predstaviť poradcov, zazmluvnených s cieľom prispieť k vykonávaniu PFMR pod vedením Ministerstva financií Ukrajiny; diskutovať o možných oblastiach spolupráce v období 2017-2019; a diskutovať o pracovnom pláne pre MTEF metodológiu. Viac info (v slovenčine)
Turning 50 together with UNDP (2016):
I am a bit younger than UNDP. 31 days younger, to be precise. But I enjoy the idea of celebrating this half-century together. Not because we belong to the same generation, but because I have spent almost half of my career working with or for this UN agency. So allow me to be more personal as I recall three memories. Viac info (v angličtine)
Making Decentralization Reform Work (2015):
Decentralizing national administrations is a necessary step towards boosting social and economic development in Central Asia & Eastern Europe, government and civil society representatives said at the closing of a conference hosted by the Ukrainian government and UNDP in Kiev at the end of last year. The conference brought together more than 150 participants for 2 days of formal and informal discussions on how to lead successful anti-corruption and decentralization efforts. Viac info (v angličtine)
Decentralization seen as key to democracy and development in Central and Eastern Europe (2015):
Decentralizing national administrations is a necessary step towards boosting social and economic development in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, government and civil society representatives said at the closing of a conference hosted by the Ukrainian government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Viac info (v angličtine)
Emerging Donors on the Future of Knowledge Sharing (2015):
CEF participated at the United Nations Development Programme – UNDP high-level workshop on the Future of Knowledge Sharing. Together with officials from new and emerging donor and partner countries we reviewed the new priority themes, sectors and modalities of knowledge and expertise sharing and discussed what would improve effectiveness in knowledge sharing and how could peer-to-peer networks better support sharing of learnings. Viac info (v angličtine)