“The Slovak Republic is an active global actor and is professionalising its development co-operation efforts,” says OECD DAC (OECD Development Assistence Committee) Peer Review of the Slovak development cooperation that was published on 14 February 2019.
This peer review, the first since the Slovak Republic joined the DAC in 2013, shows how the country successfully raised its voice and influence in global fora, and documents its efforts to align with the 2030 Agenda. Slovakia´s leadership and influence in the international development community are impressive for its size.
Strategic partnerships in the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe play significant role in the Slovak development co-operation. „By sharing its public reform experience effectively Slovakia supports countries hoping to join the EU,“ underlines the report.

Slovakia´s partnership with the UNDP is a good example of strategic partnership which draws on the country´s comparative advantage. This long-term partnership is continuing, allowing the Slovak Republic to share its experience in public finance management with partners in Montenegro and Moldova. While the partnership with the UNDP on public sector reform is split between the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, the synergies between the two ministries have been strengthened.
In conclusion, the report recommends that the Slovak Republic continue to build its policy framework, sharpen its focus, and embed the management systems needed for an effective development co-operation programme.